Writer Using
- HP SE K790i
- OS Ubuntu 9.04
Install Step By step
1.Install gammu
$sudo apt-get install gammu
$locate smsdrc
$cp /usr/share/doc/gammu/examples/config/* .
$gunzip smsdrc .gz gammurc.gz
$sudo cp smsdrc gammurc /etc
$sudo vim /etc/gammurc
#change this line
port = /dev/ttyACM0
connection = at19200
; Do not use model configuration unless you really need it
;model = 6110
;synchronizetime = yes
;logfile = gammulog
;logformat = textall
;use_locking = yes
;gammuloc = locfile
;startinfo = yes
;gammucoding = utf8
;usephonedb = yes
$gammu --configure
Manufacturer : Sony Ericsson
Model : K790i/K790c (AAF-1022011-BV)
Firmware : R8BF003 080130 2133 CXC1250481_CHINA_EV
IMEI : 352206010781695
Product code : AAF-1022011-BV
SIM IMSI : 510219160664064
$echo "tes sms server" | gammu --sendsms TEXT 085691662771
If you want break, press Ctrl+C...
Sending SMS 1/1....waiting for network answer..OK, message reference=203
test sms server will send to destination number.
2.Connect to Database mysql
$gunzip mysql.gz
$mysql -uroot -pyourpassword
Your MySQL connection id is 81
Server version: 5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2 (Ubuntu)
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> create database smsserver;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> exit
$mysql -uroot -pyourpassword smsserver <>
SMS Database has been imported now.
$sudo vim /etc/smsdrc
# ----------------- SETTINGS FOR --smsd MYSQL or --smsd PGSQL -------------------
user = root
password = yourpassword
pc = localhost
# pc can also contain port or socket path after colon (eg. localhost:/path/to/socket)
database = smsserver
$wget http://www.syednetworks.com/gammu-sms-gateway.zip
$unzip gammu-sms-gateway.zip
$sudo mv gammu-sms-gateway/* /var/www/gammu
$sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/sms
Edit your sms.php on /var/www/sms
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "yourpassword") or die(mysql_error()); //connect to mysql
mysql_select_db("smsserver") or die(mysql_error()); //select database
Run SMS gateway and it will take all of your inbox(all inbox will remove to database).
$gammu –smsd MYSQL smsdrc
Untuk mengirim sms dari aplikasi anda harus:
menambah permission /dev/ttyACM0
$sudo chmod o+rw /dev/ttyACM0
change this line on send-sms.php
$destination = getPostVariable( 'destination' );
$message = getPostVariable( 'message' );
exec( '/usr/bin/gammu --sendsms EMS ' . escapeshellarg( $destination ) . ' -text ' . escapeshellarg( $message ) ); // try this one
//system( sprintf( '/usr/local/bin/gammu --sendsms EMS %s -text %s', escapeshellarg( $destination ), escapeshellarg( $message ) ) );
header( 'Location: ' . $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?accepted=yes' );
then send sms by aplication
3.Make SMS AutoRespond
run gammu sms-gateway
$gammu –smsd MYSQL smsdrc
make trigger in database smsserver
create trigger
for each row begin
if(New.TextDecoded = "REG COBA")
insert into outbox(DestinationNumber,
TextDecoded,Coding,CreatorID)values(New.SenderNumber,"Terima Kasih",'Default_No_Compression','1');
end if;
Send REG COBA to your phone no,
then you'll retreive sms
"Terima Kasih"
End Of the Game
Can you please tell me how to do the same on the latest version of gammu(1.27.94).
ReplyDeleteFollowing the steps you have told to follow gave me the following error
"SMS daemon is now in separate binary , please use gammu-smsd instead of gammu smsd"
when I execute "gammu --smsd MYSQL smsdrc"
Also tell me which version of gammu have you used here.
This is such helpful post... But can you tell me how to restore messages in my inbox again?
ReplyDeleteAs after executing "gammu --smsd MYSQL smsdrc" command..all messages from my inbox are moved to mysql inbox table.
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